43 research outputs found

    La descripción gramatical en los libros de estilo: ¿norma o uso?

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    Una cala léxica en las relaciones de Indias (AGI: Charcas y el Río de la Plata. Siglo XVI)

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    We try to show linguistic diversity in the levelling process of the Spanish language in the New World through accounts, briefs, andepistolary information by means of which subject officials gave reports to the Spanish Monarchy on the particular characteristics ofevery place that was discovered. It is a reduced documentary corpus both because of its chronicle textual typology, having its ownpurpose, and because of the geographical area chosen: Charcas and Río de la Plata, but that, in our opinion, reflects a language state thatshows with data the unequivocal regional and social diversity of the language. Even though this lexical probe scarcely registers noveldatings, the information contained in this small corpus makes it possible to trace back the Americanizing process of Spanish in thisregion, with its adaptation to the new environment and its unavoidable indigenist inheritance.Intentamos mostrar la diversidad lingüística en los procesos de nivelación de la lengua española en el Nuevo Mundo, a través de lasrelaciones, memoriales e informaciones epistolares con los que los súbditos funcionarios daban cuenta de las características propias decada lugar descubierto a la monarquía española. Se trata de un corpus documental reducido tanto por su tipología textual cronística,con una finalidad propia, como del ámbito geográfico seleccionado: Charcas y la zona del Río de la Plata, pero que, a nuestro juicio,refleja un estado de lengua que demuestra con datos la inequívoca diversidad regional y social del idioma. Si bien en esta cala léxicaapenas se registran dataciones novedosas, la información contenida en este pequeño corpus nos permite rastrear el proceso deamericanización del español en esta región, con su adaptación al nuevo entorno y su inevitable herencia indigenista

    Language and freedom: the lexicon of the Christian Political Catechism (1811)

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    Tomado como base documental el Catecismo político cristiano de José Amor de la Patria, se describe la acomodación léxica a los nuevos contextos sociolingüísticos en esta época histórica de la independencia colonial. La consustancial variación léxica permite rastrear la adaptación de la lengua a un estilo dialogado con objetivos didácticos claros para alcanzar la difusión de una ideología ilustrada a través de un vocabulario político-social, con voces en muchos casos recreadas con las acepciones dominantes en las comunidades insurgentes. La descripción del léxico general de este pequeño corpus, así como de algunos fenómenos gramaticales, aporta datos concretos acerca de la preferencia de estas variantes lingüísticas y del grado de estandarización que adquieren, como usos emergentes de la lengua española en América, especialmente en el vocabulario diferencial.Taking as proof the Catechism of Christian politician José Amor de la Patria, is described the lexical accommodation to the new sociolinguistic contexts during the Colonial Independence. The inherent lexical variation can trace the adaptation of a language style spoken with clearly learning objectives to achieve the diffusion of Enlightenment ideology through political and social vocabulary, with terms often used in the common meaning of the new communities. The description of the general lexicon and related grammatical phenomena provides not only specific information about language preferences in these varieties, but also details of the degree of standardization and of the emerging usage of American Spanish

    La expresión del compromiso político del Deán López Cepero en sus Lecciones políticas y en su Catecismo religioso, moral y político

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    Enlightened and liberal, the priest native of Jerez de la Frontera Manuel LópezCepero is a figure emphasized in the cultural and literary context that will take part actively in the political life of the first third of the 19th century, faced so much antimonarchic revolutionaries as to frenchified, lukewarm before the usurpation of the legitimate power. Fruit of his political commitment with his mother land and in this first propaganda line that the catechisms and primers suppose for the people, publishes a few Lecciones políticas (1813) and one Catecismo religioso, moral y político (1821) with the aim of the political indoctrination of the youth in the new revolutionary ideas of the Constitution of Cádiz. The temporary separation of both texts determines both his structure and the expression of the content and bears witness to the ideological moderation of the author, imposed by the circumstances of the moment, more political and involved in the defense of the new constitutional regime expressed for extensively in the Lessons, more civil and illustrated and more concise in the recollection of the rules constitutionalists in the Catechism.Ilustrado y liberal, el sacerdote jerezano Manuel López Cepero es una figura destacada en el contexto cultural y literario que participará activamente en la vida política del primer tercio del siglo XIX, enfrentado tanto a revolucionarios antimonárquicos como a los afrancesados, tibios ante la usurpación del poder legítimo. Fruto de su compromiso político con su patria y en esa primera línea propagandística que suponen los catecismos y cartillas para el pueblo, publica unas Lecciones políticas (1813) y un Catecismo religioso, moral y político (1821) con el objetivo del adoctrinamiento político de la juventud en las nuevas ideas revolucionarias de la Constitución de Cádiz. La separación temporal de ambos textos condiciona tanto su estructura como la expresión del contenido y testimonia la moderación ideológica del autor, impuesta por las circunstancias del momento, más político e involucrado en la defensa del nuevo régimen constitucional expresado por extenso en las Lecciones, más civil e ilustrado y más conciso en el recuerdo de los preceptos constitucionalistas en el Catecismo

    The expression of Dean López Cepero’s political commitment in Lecciones políticas and Catecismo religioso, moral y político

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    Ilustrado y liberal, el sacerdote jerezano Manuel López Cepero es una figura destacada en el contexto cultural y literario que participará activamente en la vida política del primer tercio del siglo XIX, enfrentado tanto a revolucionarios antimonárquicos como a los afrancesados, tibios ante la usurpación del poder legítimo. Fruto de su compromiso político con su patria y en esa primera línea propagandística que suponen los catecismos y cartillas para el pueblo, publica unas Lecciones políticas (1813) y un Catecismo religioso, moral y político (1821) con el objetivo del adoctrinamiento político de la juventud en las nuevas ideas revolucionarias de la Constitución de Cádiz. La separación temporal de ambos textos condiciona tanto su estructura como la expresión del contenido y testimonia la moderación ideológica del autor, impuesta por las circunstancias del momento, más político e involucrado en la defensa del nuevo régimen constitucional expresado por extenso en las Lecciones, más civil e ilustrado y más conciso en el recuerdo de los preceptos constitucionalistas en el Catecismo.Enlightened and liberal, the priest native of Jerez de la Frontera Manuel López Cepero is a figure emphasized in the cultural and literary context that will take part actively in the political life of the first third of the 19th century, faced so much antimonarchic revolutionaries as to frenchified, lukewarm before the usurpation of the legitimate power. Fruit of his political commitment with his mother land and in this first propaganda line that the catechisms and primers suppose for the people, publishes a few Lecciones políticas (1813) and one Catecismo religioso, moral y político (1821) with the aim of the political indoctrination of the youth in the new revolutionary ideas of the Constitution of Cádiz. The temporary separation of both texts determines both his structure and the expression of the content and bears witness to the ideological moderation of the author, imposed by the circumstances of the moment, more political and involved in the defense of the new constitutional regime expressed for extensively in the Lessons, more civil and illustrated and more concise in the recollection of the rules constitutionalists in the Catechism

    Evaluation templates and fulfillment of the university formative objectives: diversification and transverselity of criteria in subjects of Spanish Language and Theory of Literature

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    In the different projects boarded in these last years by our group from educational innovation, attention to two lines of work has been lent that, applied to subjects integrated in the scopes of the study of the Spanish language and of the theory of Literature, were in our opinion essential to approach the new educative space in which we were immersed. In one first stage, it was fundamental the elaboration of educational materials and the use of heterogenous tools that allowed the student to make a pursuit of the subject in which the knowledge was acquired progressively. The space of the Virtual Campus thus becomes a valid platform for the development and design of different types from activities and exercises by means of which complementary tasks to actual teaching are approached. However, this development raises in one second phase –in which we were now– and almost simultaneously, the necessity to analyze the evaluation methods. Once established the continuous evaluation like fundamental criterion in the development of the subject, it is precise to establish general frames that allow at the same time student’s precise pursuit and transverselity between criteria of evaluation shared by several subjects. From these budgets, our work is centered in the creation of templates or model-cards model that identifie so much the evaluation criteria as the aptitudes that the students must surpass, to the object of which can serve as guide in their application to different disciplines. Therefore, on starting from the exercises designed in the first stage of the project, evaluative models are developed that allow to value the degree of assimilation and execution of the different objectives and contents.Example: Work in group and later exposition and discussions by the students: - Consisting of the putting in common of the results derived from the work in group or other individual derivatives of the theoretical and literary text commentary. - Cooperative learning: works in equipment, inside and outside the classroom. Objectives: to favor the doubt and exchange of information on the subjects debate object, besides to foment initiatives and the critical attitude of the students. - Justification: this type of exercises favors the formation of the student in two-way traffic. First, in as much it must construct his own speech, organize it, structure it and argue it for his putting in common before his companions. It facilitates the personal learning and the development of skills related to the construction, elaboration and written expression of different types from speech. The second, the exposition helps to develop skills and comunicative strategies, contributing to improve the oral expression. Finally, the coordination of the work of group causes a greater implication of the students in the process of elaboration and the final results, as much of the work written as of the oral presentation, without forgetting that the use of other resources (presentations, videos... etc.) by the students facilitates his familiarisation with educational and expositive techniques nearer the present contextInted2009 Proceedings C

    Design of materials and educational resources adapted to ETCS: project of application of the new technologies to teaching of History of the Spanish Language and its varieties

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    The adaptation to the new European Higher Education Area favors the assumption of the new technologies as one of the means that improve the quality of education and the process of student’s learning. The best assimilation of the theoretical and practical contents of the different subjects and the stimulus that the use of these resources for the independent learning of the student supposes, justify the attention lent to the formal aspects of the educational methodology, and to its consequent didactic process. The project that we presented finds its justification in the measures that the University of Cadiz has started up in the occasion of the process of European Convergence, and that are materialized, in this case, in the Call of Educative Innovation of the educational and investigating personnel of the European Project. Our work assumes as main target the optimization of the educational resources, from the possibilities that offer new technical means, with the creation of educational, audio-visual and computerized material, adapted to the contents of the implied subjects, and with a joint work of the teaching staff who allows the creation of a repository of computerized material that has stable character and that can be taken advantage of by the group in its later educational work. In this sense, this contribution tries to show the different lines of performance that the members of the project develop at the present time, and that takes shape in the creation of different resources as the elaboration from presentations in Power Point, the computerization of real samples of speech and the creation of a model that allows to elaborate computerized text commentaries, from hyperlinks and different linksUniversidad de Cádiz, Vicerrectorado de Tecnologías de la Información e Innovación DocenteInted2009 Proceedings C

    El español de América

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    En los últimos años ha aumentado considerablemente el interés por el español de América entre los lingüistas de todo el mundo que de una u otra manera cultivan el hispanismo, y en España son ya muchos los centros universitarios que lo tienen como una de sus asignaturas, al mismo tiempo que está prevista una mayor atención a esta disciplina en la Enseñanza Media de nuestro país. Todo ello viene a corregir de alguna manera una situación a todas luces anómala en el estudio de una lengua como la española, cuyo dominio geográfico se extiende principalmente al otro lado del Atlántico, escenario americano en el cual radica un altísimo porcentaje de sus usuarios. A todos los que en diferentes niveles formativos acceden a la enseñanza del español americano y a los que hacen sus primeras armas en su estudio dedicamos este libro, hecho con meditada intención didáctica, orientación que no exime del rigor, sino todo lo contrario, a sabiendas de que no puede ser una obra cerrada ni definitiva, entre otras cosas porque es mucho lo que falta en el conocimiento del español de América. Hemos procurado dar una visión suficientemente amplia del problema americanista, con descripción y explicación, atentos a lo que pensamos ha de ser su tratamiento en determinados puntos fundamentales del mismo, y al provecho de lectores diversos, entre los cuales quizá no falten algunos especialistas en la materia

    Nuevas perspectivas en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. Tomo II

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    Actas del X Congreso Internacional de ASELE (Cádiz, 22-25 de septiembre de 1999